To Protect and Defend

by Awshit

Bali, Indonesia – September 2018


Finding This Mural

Nusa Penida, Klungkung Regency, Bali, Indonesia

Google Map

Story Behind This Mural

Artist Statement

I painted this mural to discuss and invite people to stop capturing dolphins that are used for circus activities, breeding as well as imprisoning them, simply to entertain those who watch the circus, while depriving them of their right to live freely in the ocean. If you want to see dolphins, go to the sea. Dive and see them swimming freely in the open ocean without any pressure. Free dolphins from captivity!

The Focus

Marine mammal captivity

Take Action

Consider experiencing dolphins in their natural environment, the open ocean, and don't support marine parks that exploit these animals for human entertainment.

You can also support non-profit organizations such as The Wild Dolphin Project who are dedicated to research, education, and conservation.