TJ River

by Brian Hebets

San Diego, USA – September 2016


Finding This Mural

Unfortunately, this mural no longer exists.

Story Behind This Mural

Brian’s mural addresses the man made pollution affecting the Tijuana River, which runs through Mexico and the United States. The Tijuana River Valley has a decades-long history of water quality issues. Storm water and rain events bring substantial amounts of sediment, debris, and plastic pollution into the Valley and marine environment. Insufficient wastewater treatment facilities at the border result in frequent releases of untreated sewage. These pollutants cause water quality impairments, threaten life and property from flooding, degrade valuable riparian and estuarine habitats, increase risk of human health exposure to harmful pathogens, and impact recreational opportunities for residents and visitors.

Artist Statement

Human impact and plastic pollution greatly affecting the Tijuana River Valley

The Focus


Take Action

Get involved with Surfrider San Diego and support their No Border Sewage campaign.