
by Freeman White

Napier, NZ – March 2017


Finding This Mural

On Raffles/Bower Street in the Napier City Council carpark

77 Raffles St, Napier South, Napier 4110, New Zealand

Google Map

Story Behind This Mural

Freeman’s tribute mural forms part of our Dakuwaqa Project in memory of our late friend and fellow conservationist, Rob Stewart.

Artist Statement

I have painted the Mural as a tribute to Oceanographer and filmmaker Rob Stewart who tragically drowned earlier this year filming the sequel to his award-winning film Sharkwater, off the Florida coast. I included the quote from Rob "Conservation is the preservation of human life on Earth"
 and opted to paint a mural that portrays the Shark as a powerful Majestic creatures.

The Focus

Shark conservation

Take Action

Help conserve shark populations by:

  • Refraining from consuming shark fins and meat
  • Purchasing cosmetic/health products that don't contain squalene (shark liver oil)
  • Avoiding pet food that list 'white fish' as an ingredient as it likely is shark
  • Supporting responsible shark tourism operations and experience the animals in their natural habitat