Story Behind This Mural
Freeman’s tribute mural forms part of our Dakuwaqa Project in memory of our late friend and fellow conservationist, Rob Stewart.
Artist Statement
I have painted the Mural as a tribute to Oceanographer and filmmaker Rob Stewart who tragically drowned earlier this year filming the sequel to his award-winning film Sharkwater, off the Florida coast. I included the quote from Rob "Conservation is the preservation of human life on Earth" and opted to paint a mural that portrays the Shark as a powerful Majestic creatures.The Focus
Shark conservationTake Action
Help conserve shark populations by:
- Refraining from consuming shark fins and meat
- Purchasing cosmetic/health products that don't contain squalene (shark liver oil)
- Avoiding pet food that list 'white fish' as an ingredient as it likely is shark
- Supporting responsible shark tourism operations and experience the animals in their natural habitat