$50,000 Challenge Grant for Sea Walls Boston 2020! Presented by Linda Cabot
We’re thrilled to share that long-time PangeaSeed Foundation supporter Linda Cabot has made a $50,000 Sea Walls Challenge grant to support our work in Boston in September 2020. Linda is a lifelong ocean advocate, sailor and founder of Bow Seat Ocean Awareness Programs, a nonprofit that challenges students to explore issues impacting the oceans through art.
“I am so excited to rally the Boston community to support the SeaWalls Boston project. I love the SeaWalls mission and can’t wait to see these amazing ocean murals in the city I call home.”
Linda Cabot
For every gift made up to $100,000, Linda will increase the power of each contribution by 50%. With Linda’s match, a $1000 donation will bring $1500 and a $5,000 donation will bring in $7,500 to our efforts, meeting our final goal of $150,000.
Right now, we are recognizing supporters at the sponsorship level that recognizes their total giving for this year and next. Make a pledge to support public art in East Boston a donation this holiday season and a commitment to your continued support in 2020. Sea Walls Boston will recognize you or your organization at the highest sponsorship level possible — also matched 50% by Linda Cabot’s Sea Walls Boston Challenge Grant.
Visit the Boston activation page to find the donation form